Understanding Weight Loss BMI

Understanding Weight Loss BMI

Understanding Weight Loss BMI

BMI (Body Mass Index) Demystified

Before getting into the whole truth, let’s explain a term that will help you better understand weight and weight loss: Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is the standard used around the world to determine whether a person’s weight is healthy, overweight, or obese. For most people, BMI is strongly related to the amount of body fat you carry. You could calculate your BMI using your body weight, your height, and the BMI formula, but it is far easier to look up your BMI on a chart like the one below. To determine your BMI category, find your height in inches in the column on the left, run your finger across to the range that includes your current weight in pounds, then look up to the top of that column for your BMI range and category. This chart applies to both women and men.

Body Mass Index and Weight Classification


19 or Lower 19.0 – 24.9 25.0 – 29.9 30 or Higher
BMI category Under Weight Healthy Over Weight Obese
Height (Inches)                                                 Body Weight (Pounds)
Less Then                                                                  More Than
58 90 91 – 118 119 – 142 143
59 93 94 – 123 124 – 147 148
60 96 97 – 127 128 – 152 153
61 99 100 – 131 132 – 157 158
62 103 104 – 135 136 – 163 164
63 106 107 – 140 141 – 168 169
64 109 110 – 144 145 – 173 174
65 113 114 – 149 150 – 179 180
66 117 118 – 154 155 – 185 186
67 120 121 – 158 159 – 190 191
68 124 125 – 163 164 – 197 197
69 127 128 – 168 169 – 202 203
70 131 132 – 173 174 – 208 209
71 135 136 – 178 179 – 214 215
72 139 140 – 183 184 – 220 221
73 143 144 – 188 189 – 226 227
74 147 148 – 193 194 – 232 233
75 151 152 – 199 200 – 239 240
76 155 156 – 204 205 – 245 246


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