Infertility in Men – Causes and Reasons

Infertility in Men – Causes and Reasons

Infertility in Men – Causes and Reasons

Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a man or a woman to contribute to conception. Infertility may also refer to the state of a woman who is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. There are many biological causes of infertility. Some which may be bypassed with medical intervention. Why does infertility occur? Who is likely to be affected? Are both male and female equally responsible for this? Are genetic issues are reason? How can this be solved? These are the questions that need to be answered.

If a man and woman decide to beget a child and are not able to conceive within one year after continuous efforts, then it can be said that there is the problem of infertility. That means, either the man or the woman or both have some problem with them. When we look at the history of infertility, much information is not available regarding the facts about man when compared to a woman. The main reason for this can be attributed to the fact that usually men elude the procedures. That is, they prefer to stay away from any kind of tests. But the latest tests revealed in the medical science are astonishing. Now it is found that man is more responsible for infertility than woman.

There are several reasons:

  • Deficient sperm production.
  • Problems related to reproductive organs.
  • Problem during ejaculation process.
  • Facts that work against the functioning of the sperms are more important.

Temperature also plays a major role for causing infertility in men. When the body temperature rises, the production and quantity of sperms decrease. Weakness and slow movement of the sperm could also be the reason. Apart from this, certain sexual diseases too might cause infertility in men. That is, the infection obtained because of that disease might close down the sperm tubes. In spite of all these known facts, it is ironical that only women have to bear the brunt of being infertile.

Ten years before, men hesitated to undergo medial examinations. It can either be considered as being afraid or a little ego issue. It was the time when it would be clandestinely explained that infertility is attributable for both the partners. Even though the situation has improved to a considerable extend due to the general awareness and advancement of education, still elders blame the woman for infertility and consider her to be the culprit. Even now, this can be found in many families. So when such a situation arises, it is important that both the man and the woman understand the problem in depth and take equal responsibility.

In such a situation, it is important that the sperm of the male should be tested along with the examination of the female; most importantly, any deficiency in the reproductive organs, and hormonal problems. Usually, the female is ready for conception during a specific period in her menstrual period. Only one ovum is released during the monthly menstrual cycle.

At that time, the sperm has to be united with if there is no hindrance, conception takes place. But if there is even a slight problem with the endometrial, uterus and ovaries, the conception doesn’t occur. In some women, the ovaries will be inactive. Then it becomes difficult to treat. But if the deficiency occurs during the time of release of the ovum, then some solution can be provided. Today, modern medicine has provided suitable treatment for many women with such problems.

Today one out of four women working in IT/BT sectors suffers from infertility and other problems. Change in lifestyles and extreme working hours and stressful jobs contribute mainly to this problem. Today both husband and wife are employed. When the husband returns home after his day’s work, the wife will be ready to go to night shift in a call centre. They hardly find any time to talk to each other, share their experiences and difficulties. Moreover, one more common aspect found today is either of them will be on tour for several months. And such situations only the mobile becomes the mode of communication. Today, even though this is a common factor, it has lot of negative repercussions on health.


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