High Heels – Health Problems

High Heels – Health Problems

High Heels – Health Problems

Women understandably are fashion conscious and always have a passion to wear the latest arrivals in the fashion world. And high heels are not an exception. In an attempt to look gorgeous, young, sophisticated and trendy women actually risk their health problems as these high heels can affect their internal organs leading to a condition known as Visceroptosis.

Despite the adverse consequences high heeled shoes are popular as they are elegant and fashionable. If they gel with the attire, then they should be worn. In fact they are a good party wear which is why even models wear them as they look very attractive. High heels come in a variety of styles and shapes. High Heels can be an from 2 to 6 inches high. Different types are available such as box heels, pencil heels and the stilettos. Discomfort may be overlooked as fashion-conscious women prefer to wear shoes that match with their attire and are socially acceptable to their peer group.

Women Wearing high heels is make health problems especially stressful on the joints of the foot because the entire body weight rests there; the foot is then forced into a narrow, pointed toe box, compounding the problem. Most women are actually aware that the prolonged wearing of even moderate heels can cause foot, ankle and knee problems and lead to back pain. But it is not just about the feet; it affects every single function in every joint and muscle throughout the body and can seriously affect the health of women who insist on wearing them.

Let us understand what happens when we wear high heel shoes and what it does to the alignment of your feet. It pushes the feet forward by up to 22.5 degrees for 2 inch heels, and 45 degrees for 4 inch heels, putting more pressure on the front of the foot rather than the back thus changing the body’s ability to load the feet correctly. Wearing high heeled shoes also shorten the calf muscles. As these muscles shorten, they pull the knee into hyperextension (or locking of the knee) which creates a forward tilt of the pelvis increasing the normal curvature of your spine.

High heels makes another health problems for hyper extended knees can create varicose veins and put pressure on the knee joint making it harder for the muscles to pump blood out of the legs. It can, gradually wear out the valves and reduce blood supply to the veins. Lastly, as you lean forward your head and shoulders crane further forward, and you lose ideal head position. Head position is important because as the head sits forward it increases its relative weight on the shoulder girdle (the foundation of the head, neck and jaw) putting more stress on the sternum and depressing the rib cage consequently affecting breathing.

Most important are the potential problems that wearing high heels can cause in relation to fertility, menstrual cycles and abdominal functions. When you wear high- heels the pressure on the front of the foot causes you to compensate by excessive forward tilting of the pelvis. If left unchecked, this can lead to menstrual dysfunction and increases in period pains as well as affecting the ability to conceive.

It doesn’t stop there – neck, back, shoulder pain, knee pain, stressful headaches and even premature hair loss can ensue as a result of ignoring the way your body is designed to work.

The health problems of high heels:

  • The constant pressure damage the bones of the legs.
  • High heels can cause back pain in the long run. They may be fashionable, but not advisable medically.
  • Can make you look awkward, if you cannot walk properly.
  • Mobility becomes restricted and you cannot run if you want to.
  • Ways to relieve a few abusive: effects of wearing high heels. Limit the time you wear them.

Women wearing high heels that are too tight compound the abuse. You have other heel-size choices wearing which you don’t have to endure pain and compromise on your health. Plan to wear the right shoe for the right activity. Another key aid is to exercise your core muscles to increase stability.

The expectant mother often experiences swelling of feet and ankles which can aggravate existing conditions and promote inflammation or irritation. Pregnancy also triggers the release of hormones which enhance laxity in ligaments, which can contribute to foot strain. Hence it is important that pregnant women wear comfortable shoes. A thing of beauty has its pitfalls as well. High heels are attractive no doubt but can be a health hazard as well. Fashion conscious women overlook this and continue to wear them as they want to look and feel good, but at cost what?


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